Slavery was not all bad. It gave people a fighting chance. Don't get me wrong, it wasn't right but it wasn't all bad.
I speak as an African American woman, born from Jamaican parents. My Comm300 class has allowed me to be a content consumer and greater for information regarding the African Diaspora. I don't have the brightest takes or responses, but I still try.
I have a belief that one's past should not be their final or first definition. The word "Sankofa" lies with a meaning to return where you need to. It gives welcome to forgetting your past and having to rekindle with it. With this thought, it's okay to recall and remember slavery. It's okay to have it as some sort of fuel or mindset. I don't believe people should have it be their only flame.
As a black woman, I resonate with the stereotypes that have been formed from people that do not look like me. I have once also felt that all white people are bad and it should be a final judgement. However, history should be used for good and not just the negative take. Yes Africans were enslaved. Yes unmentionable things were done to black people. Yes it's still pain within our ancestors. However, slaves were still humans. They were the same people suffering but through didn't circumstances. In those circumstances, they managed to love. They managed to keep their cultures alive through tales and songs. They managed to remain human even when their human rights were stripped from them mercilessly. I believe slaves were given more time to live than many will agree or look to even consider.
I watched the film Sankofa and it opened my eyes to the human nature that slaves did take part it. People still cracked jokes and had a heart. Women fought for their men and men had soft spots for a woman. They praised what they thought was a god and remained to have some sort of spirituality. People were verbal and had the ability to hold conversations and meetings. Leaders were created and people still moved with them. Slaves were still people at the end of the day, like you and I.
I would have to disagree with you on your thoughts about slavery. I respect you for sharing your thoughts on slavery and seeing the good and bad. I hated that our people went through so many struggles and suffered for many years. So I really don't see any good in slavery just my opinion.