It’s interesting to see the range of stories that go into many of the cases we read.
Fortunately, anyone who wants to, can post whatever they want to, wherever they want to. Unfortunately, we don't know if they are all credible or true. Luckily, there are ways to find it out and to check your stories or articles. Everywhere you look there are statements, articles, books, on pretty much everything there is a topic towards.
Information comes in all shapes and forms. It could be the label on your pill bottle. It could be the message that comes on your phone. It could be the article that you are currently reading. You can fact check many things. Some faulty articles show work that is hard to find anywhere else. Some may feature pages that lead no where. Some won't list the author or others make it hard to find anything to validate anything at all.
Luckily, Google has many works that make this easy. Try Googling it, too. The next time you read an article or you watch a news story, check things like the weather possibility. Check the dates on the stories and the possibilities that come with what you hear. Make sure you can even find an author or someone acknowledging the writing. Keep your eyes pealed but never be afraid to consume information!