Africa is a place and a home, depending on who you ask. One will tell you of the beauty and the unique origins in and out of Africa, while another will name the reckoning. Which side do you fall apart of?
As anything else in the world, Africa is what you make it. I live by a quote reminding myself that one's past is not their only definition. In some cases, many may disagree. Others will support it wholeheartedly. Africa is a place of origin. If recalling the slave trades and the race stolen from their home is the way you wish to recognize it, then so be it. Africa is beauty. It's its dark skinned men and women and babies born out of it. It's its culture and music still carried on today. It's its food and language barriers, still enjoyed and embraced today. It's the facial features that characterize and categorize you and I apart.
Africa is a beginning for everyone. Where the light shines the brightest and maybe the grass smells the greenest. Where the birds may sing the loudest and the setting of the sun may be the most beautiful. To me, Africa is heritage. It's a start that can never be ignored nor completely neglected, despite so many trying to strip its natural beauty. It is a sacred place of origin still generating media, professions, and greater acknowledgements.
It's not really brainwash when so many people allow it to be broadcasted in such a way. I share this with you to allow you to see an additional depiction of what Africa is from a less vigorous point of view. No additional opinions are swayed nor conveyed by or through this video. Africa is what the individual will choose to make it.
A land of beauty that no matter how hard the racist and non-black men try to assimilate and strip people of their own beginning and culture, it continues to be prosperous. No matter how many commercials may depict little hungry black boys, or movies showing poverty of whole African families, the people who know the truth will continue to show and embrace it. Your dark, coarse hair is not nappy and unmanageable; that's just what they want you to believe. Your beautiful black skin is not "too dark" and scary to look at; that's just what they want you to believe. Your future is not automatically definite because you are "too dark" or "will not succeed," that's just what they want you to believe.
As beautiful as the land of Africa is shown and appreciated, remember that its people are just as beautiful, too. We are all around you. Born and raised or our countries intertwined through whichever string, just look up. Acknowledge people for who they are because even if you look at them for their black skin, their definition is much brighter and stronger. They say "the darker the berry, the sweeter the juice." Allow yourself to taste a new culture or a brighter connection.
Have you ever traveled to Africa?
Good evening, Kristen! I would like to applaud you on your writing about Africa. I loved how you were able to acknowledge the various diversities within Africa, along with pointing out its historical aspects as well. Though I have yet to visit Africa, your videos was able to show me the beauty that Africa has to offer within nature. And I thank you!
Hi Sasha.
I love that you stated Africa is the beginning for everyone. That is so refreshing to me, when I hear this concept it makes me feel like a giant! Our history and culture is beautifully layered with so much flavor and strength. This longing to get back to the peace and love is something that humanity is desperately in need of. Authors of the past and present have felt this deep down in their souls and we continue to find ways to communicate and express this in any art form possible. Thanks for sharing and nice clips also...
Amazing writing! I’m glad you took an open minded approach and acknowledged some stereotypes of being “too dark”. Turing that negative connotation to something so beautiful.